
Protecting the Maritime Industry : Safety & Security

The maritime industry, being the largest in the world, is always subject to several types of threats and requires a deliberate effort to ensure that activities at sea continue safely. In order to improve the operation of safety and security without impeding the flow of international trade, actions are being implemented both locally and internationally.

However, the difference between maritime safety and security is debated. The two concepts may be interchangeable and complementary, but they cover two different types of protection.

Read on to learn more about the threats facing the maritime sector and the solutions being implemented to protect maritime commerce and the maritime community.

Maritime Safety

Broadly speaking, maritime safety revolves around the protection of ports, ships and their
communities from unintentional or natural hazards and damage such as a storm at sea.

Maritime Security

Maritime security is a general term for the protection of ships, both internally and externally. The
types of threats against ships and maritime operations include : terrorism, piracy, theft, and
illegal trafficking of goods.

Solutions to Protect the Maritime Industry

The IMO (International Maritime Organization) provides support and assistance to member governments and maritime agencies in implementing safety and security related measures, including the SOLAS Convention (International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea), the
Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Maritime Navigation 1988 and a number of other acts and conventions.

In an article published on the official IMO website, the organization states that it has created a subdivision called "Maritime Security and Facilitation" (MSF), responsible for providing advice on the process of implementing security measures.This subdivision works in close cooperation with “Member States, partner United Nations agencies, regional organizations, development partners and the wider maritime industry, to safeguard global maritime security and suppress piracy, armed robbery against ships and other illicit maritime activities.”

In short, protecting such a large sector requires a collective effort by international organizations such as the IMO, regional organizations and all maritime stakeholders. Whether it is leveraging technology or human resources to develop strategies to deal with natural disasters or deliberate
attacks, the sector is making significant progress in safety and security.

All Seas Shipping Agency is also aligned with international regulations and pays special attention to the protection of personnel, seafarers, goods and vessels from any kind of danger.

The safety of your cargo is our top priority.

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