
Crew Change: A Vital Service in Maritime Transport

Crew Change: A Vital Service in Maritime Transport

The Maritime Transport industry has been playing a crucial role in keeping the global economy on its feet, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic, where restrictions regarding transportation overwhelmed the entire globe.

This industry includes different collaborators that ensure maritime trading from shipping agencies, traders to one of the most important components of every ship, the ship crew, the heroes in disguise.

Seafarers take part in the ship’s operations and maintenance, participating in transporting essential cargo such as foods, medical supplies, raw materials, and manufactured goods.

What is Crew Change? 

According to the International Labor Organization (ILO), the maximum period allowed for seafarers to stay on board a ship without leave is 11 months. During this period the crew will be constantly working and making sure that every operation on the ship is executed smoothly. The long days spent on the vessel could affect the physical and mental health of seafarers which makes it crucial for crew changes to take place.

Crew change is the process of changing the entire crew or part of it with other seafarers to guarantee their well-being as well as the safe operation of maritime trade.

Why is Crew Change So Important? 

According to the International Maritime Organization, when on duty, seafarers often work 10 to 12 hour shifts seven days a week, executing jobs that need continuous professional attention. The organization also declares that seafarers spending more than the average period onboard a ship are more at risk of having both mental and physical health issues including exhaustion, fatigue, anxiety, and mental stress. 

For this particular reason, crew changes are essential to guarantee seafarers’ rights and meet international maritime rules for safety, crew health and welfare, and employment.

At All Seas Shipping, we are one of the strongest advocates for crew changes since we believe that it is essential to ensure the sustainability of the industry as well as fair rights for the seafarers. We provide this service to ship holders to guarantee an efficient transfer and change of the crew thanks to our professional expertise.

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